In this issue
- A. M. Linton’s book release
- Angel-Clare Linton’s book release
- Spray Paint Magazine
Hi, hello. Welcome.
Hi, hello. Welcome. Long time, no talk. Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024! We at Linton Press have some updates for you.
Chosen – A Child of Assault
Chosen – A Child of Assault by A.M. Linton is now out!

In Chosen – A Child of Assault, a stranger assaulted sixteen-year-old Janice Shepherd in her bedroom one night. She conceived and delivered her son, James, but never revealed his father to him.
Now, at nineteen, James’ job as a copy typist forces her to tell him about that night. What will he do with this knowledge? Will his faith in God make a difference to him and his mom now that he knows about his birth?
We’re also currently working on the second book, which would follow a character from Chosen – A Child of Assault. It would follow Justine. Do you remember her? Please let me know.
In Chosen – A Child of Abuse (book two), sixteen-year-old Justine lives with her father, mother and younger siblings. Money is tight for the family, and getting food to eat on most days is challenging. Additionally, her mother expresses her frustration with her living conditions by abusing Justine and her siblings.
However, one day, after losing her baby, Justine walked away from her home to live with her grandfather, who lived close to her family home. While living there, she learned more about her mother, met a new friend and found the courage to break up with her boyfriend. There, Justine also met her Saviour.
If you don’t already know, A. M. Linton is a wife and mother of two. She is also the author of Torn Between Love, Religion and Responsibility, A Little on Puberty for Boys and A Little on Symptoms Associated with Menopause. A few of her short stories were also published in The Barbados Advocate Newspaper.
(She also regularly writes and posts short stories here at Linton Press!)
I am excited for you guys to read Chosen – A Child of Abuse, and I hope you are excited to read it, too!
Talk Therapy
Since we’re on the topic of Linton Press’ books, I (Angel-Clare Linton) have published another poetry collection titled Talk Therapy. The paperback is available through Barnes & Noble, Amazon,, and more. Additionally, the PDF eBook is only available at I am a poet, writer, editor, publisher, and the founder of Spray Paint Magazine.
Below is the synopsis of the story.
They say not to let your heart bleed onto the pages, but here I am doing it anyway.
When my well is overflowing with star-covered words, my fingers bleed them out. They implant themselves on white or cream paper, crying out, wanting to be heard like a hungry child in the middle of the night. But then the words flutter away like a cabbage white butterfly during Spring.
They’re supposed to come back. I need them to come back.
Talk Therapy is an open letter that captures a sliver of what it’s like living with a mind that’s a black monster. Talk Therapy is also Angel-Clare Linton’s second poetry collection.
Additionally, below is what Talk Therapy looks like.

Spray Paint Magazine

Issue Four of Spray Paint Magazine was released on July 1st, 2023. Issue Four contains 11 artists, which includes Bailey Blundell, Grace Zhou, Salman Zafar, Jesse Case, R. A. L, Jillian-Rae Picco, Samantha Krilow, A. M. Linton, Shamik Banerjee, Claire Stewart, and Erin Jamieson.
That said, we are working on Issue Five of the magazine, which will be released on June 6th, 2024, at 12 pm PST (3 pm EST). However, right now, you can pre-order the issue here:

The pre-order price is 10 CAD, but after the pre-order period, it would go up to 12 CAD. Make sure you grab your copy!
Issue Five contains 26 artists, which includes Shamik Banerjee, Irina Tall Novikova, Allison Fradkin, Sheridan Turton, Jordan Andrew, Elisa Ang, Kenna McHugh, Glen Armstrong, A. M. Linton, Barry M. Putt Jr., Niles Reddick, Steve Gold, Usha Gunatilake, Stephanie Buckley, Kanwalpreet Baidwan, Casey Shelley, Stephen Wallkiewicz, Binod Dawadi, Robin Ellen Brooks, Aneezah Johnson, Erika Lynet Salvador, Cathy LaForge Tonkin, R. A. L, Cassidy Guimares, Claire Stewart, and Jaline Wellington.
These two issues have been made possible by our contributors and the Spray Paint Magazine team, who are Catherine Mwitta (design editor), Jessie Nguyen (illustrator), and Angel-Clare Linton (founder & managing editor). You can see our bios on the masthead.
Physical Book Copies
You can get the paperback Chosen – A Child of Assault and Talk Therapy on (alongside the PDF copies of those two books and Poetry on the Bookcase). You can also get 10% off your first order if you use the code “lintonpress.”

About The Writer
Angel-Clare Linton is a poet, writer, editor, and publisher. She is also the founder of Spray Paint Magazine.
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